28 November 2007

I Should Really Be Doing My Physics Homework

but this is way more fun, and I just had to throw in a random observation. I just commented on the blog of my good friend Seven (sorry about my snoot in Spanish class, by the way) and I noticed that I had to enter a random series of letters to prove that I was human and not some creepy electronic staulker. It made me wonder if it also served as an intelligence barrier: "If you are smart enough to figure this out, then you can post a comment." You know what I always say about the revolving doors at the aeroport: if you're smart enough to make it through without getting your rolling luggage jammed in the mechanism, then they'll let you on the 'plane. Otherwise they might end up with passengers who try to chin themselves on the overhead luggage racks and race up and down the aisles in slow motion humming the theme song from Chariots of Fire. What a thought...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Wow, 'Cello Girl I almost died of laughter over the airplane passenger part, it's too funny. Anyhow I don't remember your "snoot" as you call it so I think it's okay. LOL.