12 November 2007

Top Six Signs That You Should Get Out More (Cellists' Edition)

  1. Your 'cello has a name.
  2. You talk to your 'cello (extra points if s/he talks back).
  3. Your career as a hand model has no hope of being revived. (One word: calluses. Especially on your thumb. Thumbs of steel, unite! You have nothing to lose but your pain.)
  4. Upon finally leaving the practise room and encountering a fellow human, the first topic of conversation to enter your mind is the recent class-action lawsuit against British Airways. (This actually happened to me.)
  5. You think that you can play better than the guy on the radio.
  6. You don't feel comfortable without seventeen pounds of wood, glue, and fibreglass on your back.

(And yes, "practise" and "fibreglass" are spelled correctly. I use British spellings.)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to Giotto.

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