(Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)
Maybe it's all of this free time ... or maybe it's the recent string of GERD-free nights I've had ... but as of late I've been relaxing a lot more. It really says something when your most pressing business is whether or not you'll finish the next chapter in The Inimitable Jeeves before the clock strikes midnight and you turn into someone who can't get up the next day.
I recently completed my third college application. Most of you will remember that I had this pipe dream about apps - that they were these thick booklets of finest parchment, to be filled out with a fountain pen on a slab of Sicilian marble while benevolent advisors looked on in approval. Well, does anyone remember how I filled out my first one? As I remember, it was a one-pager (no references needed), which I filled out with a pen that refused to work properly, on a rather wobbly set of bleachers in the gym where the college fair was being held, while my friends looked over my shoulder and asked, "What'd you put for section 3?"
Anyhow, for this particular application, I had to declare a major. I pondered the wisdom of this for several weeks; I researched each option carefully; I enlarged the list of majors and pinned it up on my bathroom wall so I could think about it while brushing my teeth. My mood swung from "This is a decision upon which the fate of the entire civilised world may rest" to "Just pick one; you can always change it later." Finally, I closed my eyes and stuck a pen on the list. Three things came immediately to my attention.
1. It was a B.A. in Nonprofit Administration & Development.
2. It actually seemed a pretty good fit.
3. It was less than an inch away from a B.S. in Biophysics.
Shortly after this, I disregarded it completely and chose a B.A. in English, with a Music minor. We'll see how that goes, I guess.
1 comment:
Wow, 'Cello Girl, that is so profound. I'd offer you a national syndicate immediately if I weren't your subconscious.
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