10 January 2008

Yale, Finals, and Hep. B

I love my school: we don't have finals. We have tests throughout the year, of course, but two years ago there was a change in staff and when we asked one of the new teachers what we needed to study for finals, he said that he didn't give any. I just finished my end-of-quarter Bible test and if you can remember the difference between tequiyah and tariqah, let me know.
Yesterday I received my second college acceptance. (Query: Is it a common practise for a college to send out fact sheets on Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Meningitis?) Just for the fun of it, I decided to research some of the Ivy Leagues to see what it would take to get in. NEWS BREAK: In the words of Monotone, "Donneven." The application fee for Harvard is $65, Princeton requires at least three (3) SAT Subject Tests, and Yale's deadline was December 31. Yeah, I think I'll stick to my little denominational college out in the middle of nowhere.

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