There's a bit of a story behind that weekend. I was somehow elected the Vice President in Charge of Planning, so I got to arrange for the rehearsal, the organist, the flowers, the robes, and the invitations (fortunately, not for the reception). Add to that the fact that I thought it would be nifty to schedule my Senior Recital at 1 p.m. on Sunday (when Commencement was at 4.30), and you have one hectic weekend ... although, given that it meant I was done with high school, it was totally worth it. And there were only four graduates, so it could have been a lot worse.
Roll film!
This is me being told that I will meet the love of my life through the Underwater Basket-Weavers' Association. Yeah, I know. Crazy juniors.
The piñata on the table behind me has a long and colourful history involving a Mexican restaurant, Cinco de Mayo, and a check split seven ways that caused all sorts of trouble among the staff when we all paid in cash and expected exact change.
We moved Class Night to Friday night because the sun went down so late that if we began after sunset on Saturday night, like we usually do, it would be about 10.30 by the time we were done.
Senior Recognition (Sabbath, 31 May)

(Unlike another church, whose most recent Christmas potluck sent 19 - yes, nineteen - people home with food poisoning.)

Our senior sweatshirts (which, as Sqweakers learned, should not be worn on Fisherman's Wharf).
Commencement (Sunday, 1 June)

No, this is not the entire high school. This is the entire high school, minus four, plus six.
I so rarely get to explain what happened to my mortarboard, so brace yourselves for a tragic tale. Basically I put in on correctly before Commencement, checked it in the mirror of the Mothers' Room bathroom, and thought that all was right with the world. Then I took it off to play Special Music because the tassel was bugging me something fierce, and when I put it back on again, the front was kind of squished and the top wasn't even, as you can see. So, yeah. That's why it's balanced at a rakish angle. I wasn't trying to make a fashion statement.

"Too much cake, not enough sleep ... does life get any better than this?!"
Actually, yes, it does. Graduation Weekend isn't over yet. There's still one more essential element of the Senior Experience ...
Well, besides Finals, which, as previously noted, our school doesn't have. (Score!) That night, we snuck into the school (abetted by the janitor, who thought it was the cat's pyjamas and kept giving us helpful hints) and - well - left our mark, shall we say. We stole the skeleton from the science classroom and put it in the basketball hoop; we chaulked messages (in 6 different languages, may I add) on the cement; we lay down on the road in front of the school and traced around ourselves in chaulk; we wound streamers and caution tape all over the front hall; we created "Wanted" posters for each senior and taped them up all over school. After I left, I heard that the boys overturned all of the furniture in the English/history classroom, while the girls rigged up the juniors' lockers so that confetti would spray everywhere. Oh, and I also spray-painted "Class of 2008" onto the back field, except that I ran out of spray paint so it actually said "Class of 200".
So here's a picture of our Senior Prank:
Yeah, kinda sad, I know. Not even one picture for the history books. Maybe it's just as well.
Best wishes,
~`Cello Girl
(a.k.a. an incoming freshman who is really, really excited to be going to college)
It's about time you posted something about graduation but I don't know about the pictures, now everybody is going to know who you are... But I guess we're all at college now (well mostly) so, yeah.
Anyhow I have this connection class which I get to play around with Second Life and also create a 3-D story of my life. I'm so excited.
My roommate is from Charleston, South Carolina, BTW.
Okay I have a Southern Connection class which is essentially a non-credit, "survival", course required for all freshmen and transfer students who have not taken the equivalent at their previous university. I was just mentioning a few things that I would be doing for mine since it has an art emphasis. Thats all.
I've already had most of my classes and have some homework in a few, overall it's going swimmingly other than a few panic attacks here and there.
How do you think that your classes will go?
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