12 June 2008

Last One for a While (plus haiku)

Yes, in a matter of days, I will be up to my ears in laundry, doing 28 loads a day and really, really, really hoping that I haven't mixed up people's nametags. I've mapped out a new system - instead of tracking each load with a Post-It Note on the washer, dryer, and folding bench, I'll give each person two nametags (one for lights, one for darks), which can be clipped to the magnetic clip on the appropriate washer and dryer. It's basically the same thing, except that I won't be wasting 28 Post-It Notes per day. ("Save the Earth ... it's the only planet with falafels." Thank you, Falafel of Santa Cruz.)
No, I won't be taking my 'cello with me. It'd be too hard to find a safe place to store it, and anyhow, I'd like to avoid being roped into playing for any Special Musics or song service teams.
Speaking of 'cello, THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who braved my Senior Recital. It was sometimes painful to hear, I know, but you toughed it out.
And before I go, here's the much-requested winning haiku:

"Heaven's azure dome soars
Warm breezes rattle stiff palm fronds
A coconut falls (ouch)."

Have a great summer, y'all! (... bad poetry notwithstanding)


~'~'Cello Girl

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