29 April 2008

Open your books to page 185 ...

Michael Fagan, for all of you who were wondering, is the man who broke into Buckingham Palace twice. The first time, he wandered around for a bit, looked at the portraits, sat on the throne, and drank a half-bottle of wine (which he was later asked to pay for). In 1982, he broke in again and actually managed to reach the Queen's private quarters, where he woke the Queen and sat talking to her for about ten minutes before Security finally realised that this was indeed a real emergency. I mention this only because I think that it exemplifies the Queen's dignity and calm demeanour - if I woke up to a strange man staring down at me, I highly doubt that I would converse calmly with him for ten minutes.
Anyhow, there's the history lesson for to-day.

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