18 March 2008


After nearly five months of blogging, I have been forced to accept that only one person is reading my blog. Please excuse me as I try to increase the number of Google hits associated with this blog.
WalMart, Writers Guild of America, Christina Aguilera, Iraq war, organic, free Tibet, Michael Fagan.
Thank you.
I don't expect that many people will Google Michael Fagan, since I didn't know who he was myself until just yesterday, but it's worth a try. (Truly a scary story, if you happen to read it.)
If anyone happens to have any advice about opening a small bookstore/organic cafe, please let me know. It's for an assignment in Career Ed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happen to have had a dream as a young boy to...wait for it...open up an organic cafe' with Michael Fagan (I still don't know who he is?) serving organic coffee' and the whole main idea of the cafe' is to support freeing Tibet! Will you join me?:)
