05 February 2008

It's Either a Backpack or a Vacuum Cleaner

So I finally figured out how to switch the settings on this blog to "English - U.K.", and now my weary eyes are soothed by such options as "Customise posts" and "Colours and fonts".
In other news, I took a trip across the continent a few weeks ago, to visit that small denominational college in the middle of nowhere that I mentioned earlier. (Come to think of it, a lot of them are like that, so this one will be called University Alpha; the small denominational college in the middle of nowhere nearest my home will be University Beta.) It was seriously cool. My friend Seven and her mum came with me and my mum, and we had a great time trying to convince ourselves that it would warm up soon. The music department is AMAZING, and they have a tracker organ in the church that defies all description. The scenery was beautiful, I liked the food, people were friendly; in short, it seemed like a good fit.
Their English Department leaves much to be desired.
It's also an insane distance away from home, and I have no strong yen to recover from jet lag four times a year for the next four or so years. Furthermore, I really don't want to haul all of my stuff (plus a 'cello) back and forth via aeroplane or mail service.
The bottom line: University Beta is looking better and better all the time. It's got a solid English Department and a good organ teacher, and it's only about six hours from home.
Just to keep all my fans informed (all one of you, right).


Rachel said...

you have no "yen"?? Okay dear. And yes...all one of your fans would definitly like to be informed!
I on the other hand wouldn't mind the jet lag too much...LOL.

Cello Girl said...

"Yen" means "desire", not just Japanese currency. Just for future reference.