19 May 2009

The New Adventures of Denys & Benny

So, I had an appointment with my new gastroenterologist today. (I realise that many people really don't want to hear about my ulcers, but tough. They have such an impact on my daily life that it's kind of hard to not mention them. Sample conversation:
Kind classmate: "D'you want some gum?"
Me: "Er, no thanks."
Classmate: "It's sugar-free."
Me: "Okay, thanks, but it's actually the mint that's the problem."
Classmate: "Oh, are you allergic?"
Me: "No, I've got two nonbacterial duodenal ulcers and the mint inflames them."
Classmate: "..."
Me: "Right. Sorry. TMI.")
Anyhow, he was thoroughly baffled by my condition. His first words to me were, "You are way too young to be here." The interview afterward involved a furrowed brow and several cases of the use of the word "bizarre". He left promising to think this over, and in the meantime, I'll be giving blood to be tested for gastrin (???) and signing up for a Bravo pH test. (Look it up. It's truly amazing.)
And once again, I am truly thankful for such amazing friends who go out of their way to help me. Last Tuesday, when I mentioned at devotional group that I didn't have a ride to my appointment, I got three offers of rides within about two minutes. It bowled me over. I will never stop thanking God for all of the wonderful people He has placed in my life. Every time I think I'm all alone and have nowhere else to turn, He leads me to someone or something that shows me His love again.


~'Cello Girl